Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Encoding and Decoding Part One!

Encoding and Decoding are the process by which we communicate. To communicate, the sender sends the receiver a message through some form of medium (whether it be spoken, written, drawn etc.)

Encoding is the process by which the sender creates the message.

Decoding is the process by which the receiver interprets the message that was sent.

Messages don't necessarily have to be written out or spoken. There can be implied messages as well.

I'll give you all an example. Say a cosmetic company creates an ad. In the ad, they have the spoken message (Ultra last lipstick lasts for 24 hours and has such and such vitamins that make your lips softer in just 7 days). The spoken message is more likely to be understood as long as the viewer understands the language. The implied message may be that when you wear that lipstick you'll be beautiful and happy and men will love you just like the actress in the commercial. The implied message here (because it wasn't spoken and isn't spelled out) may not be understood as well by the viewer. The message was encoded one way, but decoded another way.

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